Complementary Therapist
and Tutor
SRN, D32/D33/D34, Cert Ed Post 16, Founder MING,
Bach Flower Remedies Practitioner and Teacher
MSc for Health Care Education
"I trained as a General Nurse at Westminster Hospital, London. In 1990 I took my Nursing into full time Reflexology with the International Institute of Reflexology® (UK) becoming a tutor in 1993, then National Director in 2010 and now Principal & Quality Assurance Coordinator for the IIR(UK) Schools. Past Director on the International Council of Reflexologists Board; presentation of Neuroflexology in Cape Town ICR Conference and organisor of ICR Silver Jubilee Conference in Sheffield. I used Reflexology research in my dissertation for my MSc for Health Care Education at Sheffield Hallam University.
I continue to enjoy my private practice using my qualifications in Advanced Reflexology Technique, Krieger Kunz Therapeutic Touch and Bach Flower Remedies as well as training in VRT, EFT, Maternity Reflexology, Nerve Reflexology, BodyTalk System and Electronic Medicine with the Harmonic Translation System.
I knew John Moorhouse the Originator of Neuroflexology, who sadly passed away in 2008, in my days with the Reflexology Forum. John wrote ‘Rethinking Reflexology’ which hinted at a therapy he was working with that intrigued me enough to ask to be trained to teach it. This training consisted of one week’s intense practical work to assimilate the technique, followed by marked case studies to show the understanding of assessment, planning, implementing and evaluating treaments and thereby gaining experience to pass it on. My personal experience during the week was of a painful knee at the start, which after three treatment sessions became free of pain.
In 2012 I along with, other approved trainers, Jackie and Tania launched the British Neuroflexology Guild, now the International Neuroflexology Guild."

Complementary Therapist
and Tutor
Dip IIR (UK) - MCThA - Dip ITEC A&P - Cert ITEC IHM
MATATh - Founder MING C&G 7307 -
EMBODY Registered & Approved Reiki Master/Teacher
Registered METAMORPHIC TECHNIQUE Practitioner
"My first meeting with the late John Moorhouse, the originator of Neuroflexology, was at an AoR Reflexology seminar. He told me that he was developing his own technique and therapy which we would all hear about one day.
Later my own Reflexologist told me about Neuroflexology as she had heard about it and knew John had specified that he wanted to teach Teachers first. I spent 5 days with John learning his new therapy, practising on his own clients, which led to becoming a Founder Member of the International Guild of Neuroflexology, formerly the British Neuroflexology Guild.
I found my own Case Studies fascinating as I was treading uncharted waters and quickly discovered there was more to Neuroflexology than I expected, in particular the simplicity of the technique responds to the complexity of human nature. I am delighted to be presenting this course with Jackie and Jennie, which is pioneering in the world of Complementary Therapy, and warmly welcome you to join us."
Complementary Therapist
and Tutor
Founder MING, British Wheel of Yoga Diploma,
City & Guilds 7307 Adult Teaching Certificate,
Reiki Master
"I received regular treatments from John Moorhouse, the Originator of Neuroflexology, and benefited so much that I was very keen to train in this therapy and be able to offer it to others. I have long been interested in supporting people to improve their physical and mental wellbeing and feel Neuroflexology is an ideal tool. I have witnessed some amazing results, some immediate and others over a period of time. Some people have felt immediately calmer or happier – it has been lovely to see those smiles in someone who has been feeling low. I have noticed others becoming more motivated and gradually making beneficial changes in their lives. I particularly love being able to treat people in groups, some people who would perhaps not have been able to access treatment in a clinical setting. I have recently retired from work in mental health services and am very much looking forward to having more time to train people in this very useful therapy."
International Neuroflexology Guild © 2022
Complementary Therapist and Tutor
MCThA, BTEC Level 3 in Education and Training,
ING Certificate in Neuroflexology ABC Level 3 Diploma in Reflexology, KVFM practitioner and teacher,
ANM Diploma IHM & Advanced IHM, Reiki Master
"I became interested in holistic therapies 40 years ago whilst working as a veterinary nurse in a London practice that regularly used homoeopathy. Over the years I have used many different therapies for my own health and finally started training as a therapist in 2004.
I established Lizard Therapies in 2008 and offer IHM & Reflexology and therapy and training in Reiki, , Kansa Vatki Foot Massage and Neuroflexology. In addition to my private clients I have worked with MIND, Alzheimer’s Society, Norwich Carers Forum, UEA, ISS, NEESA, Society Alive, the Mayfield Care Home and the London Centre of Indian Champissage.
I was one of the International Neuroflexology Guild’s first group of students in 2012 and have used neuroflexology in my private practice since. It has become one of my favourite treatments; it is fast, effective and not strenuous for the therapist, perfect if someone is in need and time is short. I used it regularly on my son as he went through his ‘A’ Levels, as it was excellent in reducing his anxiety,
I am looking forward to joining the other ING tutors in teaching and spreading this amazing treatment."